Saturday 14 February 2015

The J4MB Cabinet: John "The Other" Other

Minister For Crime

Next I give you a man, a male man, a human male mister man. He was vlogging on YouTube from the beginning, 10 years ago, and he's still here today. He hasn't moved forward at all, proving the internet is as low down in the world as u can get. He is one of the most well known & respected MRA YouTubers vlogging on his own channel, by himself, John The Other...other?

 The epitome of 'no, not that one'

'Other' what? Who? THE OTHER! Not the 1st, the favourite, the better, the great one or the big one. NO, he is The OTHER John. The John who has stood silently in the shadows, hiding his face away from the world, as he bravely chooses to not help or try to save any women  from being raped ever. In fact, if he sees a woman in an alleyway getting raped? He starts laughing, cackling, like a witch, pissing his pants with laughter, whilst filming it on his iPhone. And having a wank over it. On the bus.

If you are looking for a special MRA a man who has literaly been described by his fellow peers as "That Bald Canadian Bloke",
I give you John The Other ...uh ...of Canada.

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