Saturday, 14 February 2015

The J4MB Cabinet: Davis MJ Aurini

Education Czar: Davis MJ Aurini

Rub your skulls together and please give a warm welcome the J4MB Education Czar, Davis MJ Aurini.

IMPORTANT: The following video must be played whilst reading for full Aurini™ experience.

Now, this may seem hard to believe but Sir Davis The MJ Aurini Esq 1st DDS Dot Com Alpha used to be a really really insecure guy. NO NO NO, seriously! He had real confidence issues to the point where every time he was around anyone in a social setting he would put on the act of being a suave, stylish, confident, educated, intellectual and emotionally complex ladies man. 

  Aurini in the 'blunder' years. 

Everything about him from his clothes, his mannerisms, the cigarette, the whiskey, the voice, the lighting in his videos and the skulls scattered about everywhere. He was the absolute pinnacle of a man consumed by pseudo-intellectualism living at the very apex of all that is pretentious patience testing bullshit munching. He was a proper cunt... 
But thankfully, those days are over and he has learnt to love himself for himself and he now he's happy just being himself and being who he really is; Sir King Dr Davis McBig-Cock The MJ Lord Sex-Machiney-Meany-Miney-Mother-fucking-Aurini Ruler of Testostoronia.

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