Saturday, 14 February 2015

The J4MB Cabinet: WarCorpse666

My Minister of Communications - WarCorpse666

WarCorpse666 - Not a user name, a real name. Why was he given that name? Cos, as u can easily tell from his genetic misgivings, his parents were brother and sister, siamese twins, joined at the rectum, labotomised at birth. WC is mixed race, mother was a Babboon and his dad was a man who suffered from a disease known as Babboon Syndrome.

 WarCorpse in his dwelling.

WC is from the internet and his rise has been truly meteoric; very loud, no brain, no point, guaranteed to come crashing down to earth. Obviously, meteorites have got bettere hairlines than WC... and faces, personalities, sex lives...

  A five year old WarCorpse

WC is a self made man. Not in the business sense, money sense, success sense or sense...sense, he literally is self made, he is the designer and archtictet of his own creation. 

Mike Says: "At least he lacks pissflaps."
Look at him, WarCorpse666; Mike, have u ever met anyone who's very existence is the best argument against God AND Evolution?

He's a self made man cos nobody, not God nor 4 billion years of natural selection is gonna take credit for him.

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